January 12, 2021

Make your own warm chocolate cobbler!

Want to know one of my biggest guilty pleasures? Warm and gooey chocolate desserts. Ideally combined with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. This, warm chocolate cobbler will definitely do the trick, and that’s especially true during winter. I’m picturing myself enjoying this while cozying up on the couch with a good show on Netflix, having a perfectly gooey piece of warm chocolate cobbler, while hearing the wind roar outside. If you’re also a fan of gooey treats, I highly recommend you to try this one out.

Warm chocolate cobbler
I served the cobbler with a Riesen chocolate on top as well as Häagen Dazs ice Vanilla ice cream.

The recipe below yields 10 servings.



You’ll find the original recipe HERE.



Will you be making this at home? Let me know in the comments! If you’re interested in more chocolate treats, I highly recommend you to check out my hot chocolate cheesecake, which you’ll find HERE.

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Hi and welcome to my travel guide! My name is Beatrice. I’m a lawyer in my twenties living in Stockholm, Sweden. I started Foodie on Vacay because I travel quite a bit, and my trips are always centered around having great food experiences.